Thursday, November 28, 2019

Avena Sativa Medicinal Uses

Avena sativa is a key ingredient in testosterone boosting supplements. The calcium found in oat straw is organic and thereby easily assimilated into the body without any side effects and is significantly more effective than the inorganic forms found in some supplements.

Figure 6 From Oat Avena Sativa L Oil And Nutriment Compounds

Avena Sativa Benefits Natural Health Guide

Avenacalm Avena Sativa Oral Drops Thr 13668 0023 Ukpar

Avena sativa has no known side effects unlike the sometimes dangerous sexual prescription drugs.

Avena sativa medicinal uses. Recently avena sativa has come to be known for its therapeutic and medicinal properties as well. Avena sativa is a specific treatment for occipital pain extending down to the spine. Avena sativa is an excellent source of b vitamins nutrients essential for energy production and mood stabilization.

This plant also referred to as oat straw or oat extract was used as a medicine prior to being used as food. Avena sativa is rich in many bone strengthening minerals the most important of which is calcium. It is now commonly sold as a supplement and is also known as wild oats oat grass or oat straw.

Therefore many manufacturers use it in their products as their main ingredient. It is used as a nervous system general tonic as well as a general health tonic. Avena sativa reduces the withdrawal symptoms when a patient is taken off nicotine and or caffeine.

It is true that avena sativa contains calcium and other healthy minerals that can contribute towards bone health but evidence for its use against osteoporosis is in short supply. It is used to treat topical skin treatment such as eczema. One of the traditional uses of avena sativa was to help treat a condition which causes a womans periods to stop known as amenorrhea.

Avena sativa is often the primary ingredient in expensive sexual formulas and in the popular alternatives herbal v cobra and biogra. Medicinal uses of avena sativa the entire plant is rich in minerals and trace nutrients such as silica magnesium phosphorus chromium iron calcium alkaloids protein the vitamin b complex and vitamins a and c holmes 1997 and berger 1998. It is known for its anti fungal and powerful antioxidants benefits that are applicable for sports performance.

Gramineae grass family medicinal use of oats. It contains sterols active steroid saponins amino acids and flavonoids. Avena sativa means wild oats in latin.

Use of avena sativa in body building. Whilst used mainly as a food oat grain does also have medicinal properties. Avena sativa has the ability to throw out bad cholesterol.

This plant may have sparked the phrase sowing your wild oats due to its effect on sexual stimulation according to prescription for herbal healing by phyllis a. Natural saponins contained within the entire plant may help support blood sugar health by decreasing blood sugar spikes following consumption of a high carbohydrate meal. It is now commonly sold as a supplement and is also known as wild oats oat grass or oat straw.

In particular oats are a nutritious food that gently restores vigour after debilitating illnesses helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood and also increases stamina.

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