Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Adrafinil Liver Enzymes

Liver enzyme readout before and after adrafinil selfnootropics submitted 2 years ago by synaptophysin. As previously mentioned adrafinil breaks down into modafinil when it reaches a persons liver.

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I had my liver function test done prior to using adrafinil.

Adrafinil liver enzymes. Adrafinil is broken down via liver enzymes such as sgot ggpt and hepatic alkaline phosphatase into modafinil which is then broken down further for beneficial effects. This just means that your liver needs to work extra hard in order to convert the product into its active metabolites and then disperse them throughout the body. Adrafinil is metabolized into modafinil by way of your liver.

The continued build up of these enzymes may eventually cause long standing damage to the liver and the symptoms of these may manifest six months after daily intake. Adrafinil is more harmful than modafinil due to slight hepatotoxicity as adrafinil must be processed by the liver. Adrafinil does not create damage per se but does influence the liver and enzymes in a potentially harmful or at least stressful way.

However over time if the levels of these enzymes continue to build it could cause long term liver damage. These enzymes are common and critical ones produced by the liver to metabolize various compounds. Adrafinil and milk thistle while it is not a nootropic per se milk thistle is one of the best tools to aid in liver health especially against acute damage.

12 that said adrafinil has been known to cause the following side effects in some individuals. Increase in liver enzyme counts. Stomach pain skin irritation anxiety and elevated liver enzymes may occur with prolonged use and have been associated with adrafinil specifically.

Although this may seem unusual to some people it is actually not that big of a deal. Ast 31 ul alt 19 ul after approx 6 weeks of using adrafinil dark or noofen 2 3 x week at 100 200 mg per dose. Adrafinil has also been tentatively linked to orofacial dyskinesia.

Its effect on liver enzyme profiles is small and has been shown to be similar to that of tylenol. Most important to note is that adrafinil has been shown to increase counts of liver enzymes when taken regularly suggesting that sustained use could cause liver damage. This is a problem as adrafinil increases liver enzymes which can lead to problems and eventually toxicity within the organ particularly if you already have liver issues.

These symptoms can become apparent after six months of daily use but different people will have different sensitivity levels. Adrafinils status as a prodrug for modafinil also means that it taxes the liver a bit more than modafinil because it requires an extra step. This means that while infrequent use isnt likely to cause liver damage like with tylenol adrafinil should never be taken with alcohol and any drugs shown to have similar effects on liver enzymes.

The enzymes that break down adrafinil are sgot ggpt and hepatic alkaline phosphatase. Ast 32 ul alt 25 ul. Most important to note is that adrafinil has been shown to increase counts of liver enzymes when taken regularly suggesting that sustained use could cause liver damage.

The end result is the adrafinil can lead to elevated liver enzymes in some people. They are a necessary and needed part of bodily functioning. This process causes the level of key enzymes to increase as there is a strain put upon the liver.

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