Commonly used grass cover crops include the annual cereals rye wheat barley oats annual or perennial forage grasses such as ryegrass and warm season grasses such as sorghumsudan grass. Oats are one of the more versatile cover crops as they can be planted various times of the season and used as an excellent cover and an excellent forage crop.

Choosing The Right Cover Crop Alabama Cooperative Extension System

Winter Annual Cover Crops Nc State Extension Publications

Common Buckwheat Cover Crop Seeds
For winter cover sow by early sept.

Common oats cover crop. As a fast germinating nurse crop it will shade and keep the soil cooler for slower germinating legumes. Although it will winter kill oats can be planted in the fall and. Ryan speer found out the hard way in 2012 when he planted a black oats cover crop in the previous years corn residue.
California cover crop chart the california cover crop chart is designed to give nrcs planners a relatively easy to access resource that provides an overview of commonly used california cover crop species. Nonlegume cover crops which are mainly grass species are very useful for scavenging nutrientsespecially nleft over from a previous crop. Cereal rye is the most popular species in iowa because it can be planted late into the fall and endures the winter well says sarah carlson of practical farmers of iowa.
However if oats dont winterkill in your area you may want to terminate the oats a couple weeks prior to planting the following cash crop. The heavy stubble will prevent erosion and oats will not regrow in the spring like winter rye. Oats are a quick growing green manure.
If planting a monoculture cover crop sow black oat at 40 70a but if for forage production sow 80 100a. Bryan and donna purchased the farmin the family since 1929in 1987 and almost immediately put most of the operation under 100 no till a system they had experimented with over the years. The exception to this is black oat has more seeds per pound therefore the seeding rate can be reduced compared to common oats.
The oats grew a few inches and died. Winter cereal rye is the most common cover crop species in iowa. Cereal rye makes up about 87 percent of the cover crops in iowa says mark licht of isu extension.
Early maturing and good standing with very high yields. Oats work well alone but especially well in mixes with oilseed radishes turnips berseem and crimson clovers and austrian winter peas etc. Rye and oats are the cover crop mainstays on the nearly 1000 acres they farm near grinnell iowa.
It is not intended to be a replacement for or duplication of evegguide but is offered as. Avena sativa this valuable cover crop has many uses. Raphanus sativus if youre new to cover crops the daikon type radish would be a safe bet as your first cover crop.
In the north slightly later farther south. A good choice for underseeding with a legume. The halstead kansas farmer had forgotten that he applied basis a sulfonylurea herbicide to his corn crop.
Black oat can be utilized very similarly to more common oats. Select the right cover crop. Oats fast spring growth makes it ideal for erosion control and adds quick organic matter to the soil.

Winter Annual Cover Crops Nc State Extension Publications

Basics Of Cover Cropping Organic Growers School

Michigan Cover Crops Get Your Plan Together Before Small Grain