Biotin is part of the b vitamin family. The neurological symptoms tend occur at more severe levels of biotin deficiency.


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Biotin Deficiency In Dizygotic Twins Due To Amino Acid Formula
Biotin deficiency is a rare nutritional disorder caused by a deficiency of the water soluble b vitamin termed biotin.

Biotin deficiency facies. Biotin deficiency rarely occurs among healthy people because the daily requirement of biotin is low many foods provide adequate amounts of it intestinal bacteria synthesize small amounts of it and the body effectively scavenges and recycles it from bodily waste. Biotin deficiency in infants or newborns skin rashes. It can occur in people of any age ancestry or gender.
Other physical signs of biotin deficiency can include brittle nails thinning eyebrows and eyelashes and dermatitis or eczema in children. Biotin deficiency is a rare nutritional disorder which can become serious even fatal if allowed to progress untreated. An unusual distribution of facial fats which have resulted in the term biotin deficiency facies fungal infections hearing loss vomiting and eczema are all symptoms of the later stages of biotin deficiency.
This characteristic facial rash has been termed biotin deficient facies and is typically accompanied by an unusual facial fat distribution. This article discusses biotin deficiency caused by deficiency of the enzyme biotinidase see also biotinidase deficiency. Unusual distribution of fat on the face known as biotin deficiency facies the first symptoms of biotin deficiency to appear are usually the dermatological ones which is why these are considered an important indicator.
Hair loss or alopecia.
Facial Signs Of Systemic Disease

Treatment Of Inborn Errors Of Metabolism